Happy days ...

By ElissaRampling

St Paul's

We visited the Imperial War Museum which was very interesting but I felt quite upset watching some of the film footage of the persecution of the jews in Poland. There was one particular scene where an elderly woman was wrenched away from her husband and loaded onto a lorry, presumably to be sent to a concentration camp. It is so easy to look away and think it all happened so many years ago we can put it out of our minds, but we can't and shouldn't. I feel so sad for all the families who are parted through wars and suffer such losses.

We walked on to St Paul's and the trees were in blossom and blooming lovely. We finished the evening with a wonderful meal at Hawksmoor, one of Jenny and Matt's favourite restaurants.

The sun shone, the company was great and it was so relaxing - just what we needed.

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