Sink Bath

2years 159days

When I asked Katie to come get washed at the sink, I think she misheard me.

Off to nursery again for Little Miss today. She's chatting about seeing her friend Brooke, and finding some cake that she seems to think is at nursery.

The eating mission is a bit less manic than yesterday - she's only had cereal and a banana so far this morning! Speaking of yesterday, we had a nice surprise in the form of a visit from Granny and Grandad. She spent a lovely time out in the garden with them as I got tea ready. She played catch with Grandad and bug-hunted with Granny. She took her space hopper and sent it down the slide. Lots of fun. She'd only slept for 10 minutes so before they'd left she had told them she was going to bed and took herself upstairs.

Right! She's brought me my bike helmet. I think we're off!

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