
By Daystarimages


The Scottish church in Jerusalem, Israel. This is the church where I married my wife Jennifer in 1991. This was during the Gulf War when Iraq sent missiles over to Israel. There were 39 missiles that landed in populated areas just outside Tel-Aviv and there was only one death and that as a result of a heart attack. My wife and I were married in the midst of that war. We spent our honeymoon in a resort in the Galilee and were the only guests of the establishment. We had whatever we desired for meals as they were only cooking for us. We felt really special. There was not one siren for incoming missiles the whole week of our honeymoon though there had been many just prior and after that week.
We were truly and wonderfully blessed during this time since we had decided to stay in Israel during this war.

Ah Yes! Behind the door of the 24th was ..... a laundry room at Christ Church Guest House in Jerusalem, Israel.

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