Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Well that's not good.

Ever noticed technology has a keen sense of urgency, detects how urgently you need it to work, and that's when it fails spectacularly? Or is that just my gadgets?

Happened to me again today, at probably the most inconvenient possible time. As I have mentioned a lot recently, I'm starting a business with a friend, and we have some cross-promotion with several local businesses happening. One of them is the the salon I where I get my hair done. It's their first "birthday" next month, and my hairdresser asked me to print up some vouchers for them to put in little goody-bags they will be giving to every customer during April - at least 100 a week.
So I designed some nice little vouchers, giving their clients a nice little discount, went out and got some cute patterned scissors to make the vouchers prettier when I cut them out (eight per A4 page), got brand new ink cartridges and high quality paper, tested it all last night, and it was all working nicely. The voucher looked fantastic on paper. Dropped into the salon this morning to let my hairdresser know I'd have them to her this afternoon or tomorrow. Get home. Set everything up.... PRINTER FAILS!!!

Spend half an hour in panic, crying, but then I asked my business partner if she had access to a colour printer, and if she could print of pages and pages of these vouchers and drop them off to me to cut out... Pronto. Luckily she can do that and drop them to me tonight. Crisis averted.

But still, I'm exceptionally pissy about my printer.

What's the bet that as soon as I have the vouchers dropped off later, it'll decide to function as it should.


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