
By Hayls

Would you mind?

Dear Prime Minister of Petrol

Would you mind awfully if you and your pals stopped banging on about petrol shortages because, you may have noticed, its sent the world a bit crazy and people are wasting valuable hours of their lives topping up their nearly full cars.

This has the unfortunate effect of leaving those, who actually really do need petrol to go and visit far away relatives that they haven't seen for the past 40 years, up the proverbial creek without a proverbial paddle.

There's a good chap. However, if you were to consider whipping everyone up into a frenzy even further, could you arrange for me to get a nice shiny red clockwork racing car, like in the picture, so my family and I can still go and visit our relatives. In fact...goodness me...clockwork cars! What a splendid idea! Now there's something to get worked up about.

Kindest regards

Mum who will not have her plans thwarted by idiots


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