Trial and Error

By DawnC

Who's the Mummy?

We now have two pairs of bullfinches hanging out in the garden and hopefully nesting: I'm already looking forward to the pitter patter of tiny bullfinch feet.

It turns out I spoke too soon about the wisdom tooth extraction. Things went downhill during The Apprentice last night and I didn't have one of my better nights. I managed a couple of hours at work this morning before giving in and then came home and slept for two and a half hours. When I woke up, I was surprised to see a strange man wandering around the garden. Upon questioning it turned out to be our new window cleaner, the old one having retired to the Philippines, apparently. I did mention how lucky he was not to have been set upon by a pair of ferocious Westies (they were at the petminder's).

PS - A Winchester blipmeet is on the cards if anyone else would be interested, Miranda1008 is going to do a trawl.

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