JVM my life

By JulieVMac

Royal Institution

Today I was at the Royal Society interviewing candidates for a university RS fellowship - a tough day with so many excellent candidates - the Royal Society was founded back in 1660 and has/had some amazing scientists as presidents - including Hooke, Newton, Joseph Banks etc etc - I took some excellent blips inside the rooms based down at Carlton Terrace but as we finished early and I could not get into the Hockney exhibit I spent 30 mins lookinground the newly refurbished Royal Institution (RI). This place was also full of blips - it is the home of the RI Christmas lectures and has the lecture theatre where Faraday gave some of his ground breaking scientific talks. The blip is of a picture hanging on the wall outside the lecture room, showing scientists in years more recent than Faraday also using it to show off scientific discoveries.

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