happy thoughts

After a few days of unseemly breakfast-time stropping, Edgar willingly sat in his chair on the first attempt this morning and was enthusiastically feeding Weetabices to the monkey (enthusiastically saying "NOM NOM NOM" as he did so) and himself when I returned after popping back through to the kitchen to finalise my toasts. Despite the encroaching needless wails and tantrums he's still generally the happiest little wingpiglet for whom one could wish, which is handy at the moment. He's begun to try and meddle with his shutdown routine a bit, no longer simply flopping sideways and starting to snore to indicate that he has been read to sufficiently for it to be time to go to sleep and trying to start a different book half-way through one (which is probably solved by taking most of them back downstairs), but he still goes straight to sleep when finally lowered into the cot, give or take the odd bit of grumbling.

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