.......Boom, bang-a-bang........

This is our outside ashtray....I know, I know, it's sad.

We were sat in the Sun tonight when there was a sound like three pistol shots going off and it split into four pieces.

We assumed it was just age and the heat from the Sun, so I picked the pieces up and took them over to the bin. I remember thinking they felt very hot, so I hurled them in. As they hit the bottom a flame shot up surrounded by a plume of sparks!

I grabbed some water and poured it all over the pieces and watched the steam rise. It seems that the layer of carbon in the bottom had caught fire and had been doing a slow smoulder....for how long I don't know. It was kind of like when a badly swept chimney catches light. It must have been going for a while though, because the plastic table is scorched where it was sitting.

So it is true what it says on the packet....smoking can harm your wealth....if it hadn't cracked it probably would have melted right through the table. Of course the Boss tried to blame me....but I've been at work all day....so then she tried to big up the disaster by claiming I could have set the bin, the fence and all the trees on that side of the garden on fire....I hope there isn't a moor land fire or anything in the next few days or I'll get the blame for that.

One more get up.....I think it's Krispy-Kreme time tomorrow!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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