Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Love that Bunny

Honey Bunny was very well loved this afternoon. He had some big snuggle sessions with all the kids (the Eldest had a friend over). He was very tolerant, and seems pretty happy with all of the attention.

School disco this evening, and my ears are ringing from the volume of the music. Kids had fun and have come home sugared up to the eyeballs. Don't fancy the Husband's chances of getting them to bed!

I'm off to book club. We read a book about a couple who bought a canal boat and travelled around France. Written by a guy who used to be editor of a magazine called the Listener. Man he's a knob!!! Claiming that their objective was to avoid, canal boating isn't exactly a French hobby...most of the people who they met were NOT French. Horrid little man.

News today that my car is being written off. Now to find out how much they will give us.

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