Of Lyte And Darke

By Fiere


An interesting day today.... Was thinking it was going to be another boring Friday afternoon but then A declared we would go to the mall to find a present for my mum's birthday... So think you A :) then everyone else proceeded to come along and we ended up spending 3 or 4 hours chilling around the mall, and they even made me try on some clothes... which I'm not going to complain about, it was weirdly fun? Definitely something to do again :D and then we decided we would be cool people and ditch L, L, X and E.... so sorry guys :L we then told them we were in shops we weren't and generally ran away from them, then picked them back up bit by bit :P Best fun I've had in ages :D (Although I am actually really sorry L and L (and X and E although I know you guys are cool). Wish I could do that every day!

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