Earache MyEyeInA Nutshell

By RichPaula

Waiting on a Train

Today marked the end of my first full week as a train commuter and it wasn't uneventful. This morning "an unruly passenger was removed from the train by police" at Derby station. This evening the return train was cancelled at Derby. Station staff couldn't say why. Although East Midlands Trains had been madly tweeting it for half an hour at that point. Fortunately the through train from Cardiff was allowed to continue and once we were all comfortably sat on board and pulling away we were told there would probably be a 20 minute wait "near Attenborough". As we approached that station we were told a car had driven into the barrier at the level crossing. So then a 4 minute wait until we pulled into that station whereupon the driver had a near miss with shutting the door on a two year old. As I said an eventful day.

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