
By Pinklady

Freddie on a Friday - To Infinity & Beyond!

At Grandma & Grandas again & guess where we went? You got it, had my breakfast then we all went to the beach including Uncle Michael. They were very excited because I now have some Buzz Lightyear wellies! It was a good job I was wearing them because Uncle Michael couldn't handle my reins & I managed to get in the water & get wet before Grandma grabbed me!!! Hehe! Only bad thing about it was they had to take me back to dry land!
Only other bit of news is that I - AKA Germbag (Grandmas nickname for me) have chickpox. I only have a few spots but I'm not feeling very well so after my trip to the beach I had a 2 hour sleep then just sat on my Grandmas knee & had lots of cuddles until my daddy came. I hope Grandma has had chickenpox!!!
See you next week.

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