This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I cleaned up the places where I have carved out space. I have my own junk drawer, a drawer in the dresser, and a space in the closet. Sometimes these small spaces get a little hectic. While Stewart was having a shiatsu, I listened to Patti Smith tell me more of her stories about the early days with Robert Mapplethorpe while I cleaned, straightened and purged exhibition materials that I clearly don't need as souvenirs. I enjoyed this simple work. I enjoyed having a room to maneuver within and tidy. I enjoyed handling my things, the few that I have here.

Now, I am going out to a flea market at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall.

The damp grey january fades
from my memory
as soon I must return
to my past life
I want time to stop
and I want to start again

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