The Canon is back

The Canon was returned yesterday afternoon in full working order - Yippee!!! So nice to have it back and remember what to do with it!

So in honour of the Canon being back I donned the telephoto lens and draped myself out the dressing room window to get a shot of the birds at the bird feeder.......I attracted lots of strange looks as I had a towel wrapped round my head and I was wearing Simon's dressing gown - had just got out of the shower you see. Dennis the 90year old had a lovely thrill at 9am this morning! Anyway, the birds didnt want to come and play - until I dragged myself in and then they all landed on the feeder and had a party the buggers.

So, second plan was a photo of the boys running towards me - that proved easier and I got some good shots BUT I just love this one more. Mainly because Casper NEVER gets the ball before Speedy Stanley!

Had to pop to Touchcloth Touchwood today for a spot of shopping and a skin test for a hair colour I'm having. MiL came too and we had a bloody gorgeous lunch at Giraffe - highly recommended.

Off out with friends tonight so here's hoping the hangover isn't too bad tomorrow :)

Have a fab day folks!

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