
Today has been intresting, frustrating and industrious in equeal parts. After doing stable duties at the yard I went in the owners garden with the big lense ( and thier permission I hasten to add) as a wood pecker has been visiting. The directions as to where he would come and go to were spot on, he duely arrived on cue and slipped to the far side of the tree I was watching and remained out of shot! There was also a tree creeper as I had been told, they are so fast I could not keep up with him and focus as well! Retier home blip less, have lunch, power wash both horsebox and towing truck! takes ages as I do not do it often but Mrs A S and another lass from the yard are doing thier first dressage tests of the season, so we have to look the part! The day was saved ( blip wise ) by this little chap who I think was looking for any left overs when I feed the dogs ( no chance ) . Will be off for final run through when Mrs A S gets in from work then our tea (at last ). Take care one and all and have a good Sunday ;¬)

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