Surreal A14 Saturday Afternoon

Been to Birmingham and back today to bring eldest son home for Easter. Rather dull journey, weather-wise but the sun was shining when we returned home.

I noticed every bridge along the A14 had a big yellow sign by it's side saying "Bridge No. xxx.xx see anything suspicious? Call 999" For a moment I thought that MI5 must have some specific intelligence about bridge targets in Suffolk - bit unlikely I know but... Now I know that it is because some thugs have been throwing bricks and blocks off the bridges onto passing cars. Nice. Not.

On a lighter note, we did try and blip in passing a little hut in a field just to the west of Cambridge, on which somebody has graffitied the following " You are about to leave the future", which always amuses me. We were travelling too fast, so what you get instead is a surrealist view of the A14:)

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