Deja View

By dejaview

Pony round up!

My Auntie is staying with us at the moment and we thought it would be a good idea to go for a drive and see the ponies in The New Forest! Well it was a good idea except they have rounded up all the ponies!!! Not a pony to be seen!

Apparently they round the ponies up every September, make sure they are fit and well and then release them again ... at least some are released again, some become pets for young riders and some - some, go on the long journey of no return!! Sad really, but good that they are cared for and that they keep the numbers manageable.

We drove on for a while and found a group of about a dozen, including some foals, so it wasn't a complete waste of a journey and despite the gloom, the countryside is beautiful.

Sorry I haven't been very good about commenting lately - my feet don't seem to touch the ground at the moment. Will try and be better again soon!

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