More Life of Sands

By sands

Better Day


I went for my morning walk and started work and got lots done. I had an acupuncture session late this afternoon & that chilled me out and perked me up no end - I know that doesn't make sense but that's how it is!

It was another beautiful day today & Twigs and Murree enjoyed the sunshine and some fresh air in the bathroom.

My brother, Mark, is coming up on Saturday and staying with me for a few days to start decorating my flat. I popped round to a friend's house to borrow a tall ladder and a wallpaper steamer/stripper (whatever it's called) and when I got back to my flat, my friends Gordon & Jen were hanging around outside my flat wondering if it was my flat! We sat on the sea wall for over an hour drinking tea & chatting.

I love it when friends drop by unexpectedly and so few people do that these days.......

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