Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


It's been a much sunnier day than I'd been anticipating so I got up reasonably early and set out on my bike for some exercise. The number of motorbikes on the road indicated that some sort of event was taking place over in New Brighton so I headed along the river to see what was happening. When I arrived I discovered 100s and 100s of motorbikes of all makes and models, many leather-clad individuals (apparently unconcerned by the recent fuel panic!) and a good number of mobile fast food outlets. Goatee would have been in his element!

The high levels of noise proved a bit too much for me and I soon escaped further along the Wirral Peninsular in search of a bit of peace and quiet.

Once back home I spent as much time as possible sitting in the sun and avoiding the housework. The sun's just about gone now but the housework is still being avoided...

This wind farm put me in mind of this song which I hadn't heard for years.

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