
By patrona

Just a tractor

It is just a picture of a tractor, an old tractor, taken at my friends nursery, where he has used it for the last 20 years or so.

Business is bad, so bad that they are having to change products and totally shift direction in an attempt to stave off the end, so the old tractor is coming into its own again as the whole land has to be ploughed up, the polytunnels demolished and the lines of carefully tended trees and shrubs uprooted and sold off.

The air of sadness that pervades the whole place speaks volumes about the current state of small business in Spain, but even more so when the business is one man and a tractor and back breaking ten hour days for little or no reward.

The ironic thing is that as every day goes by the tractor becomes more valuable as an antique, in fact it probably is the most valuable thing left in the business.

Chug on my faithful friend !!

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