
By beckie

My little man.. Who's actually not quite so little anymore! Scary how grown up he looking in this photo!
Justin took this while we were watching telly earlier today, a quiet calm moment captured here!
Been a lovely day, Ty helped me deliver some leaflets for slimming world this morning, was nice to be out walking & chatting about life with him, home for lunch, then a food shop. I then decided I fancied a run, he asked if he could come on his bike, 'of course!' was my reply, he encouraged me & I managed to run 2 miles none stop! :)
Then tonight, he helped me cook a roast dinner!
Some days most days he is an angel, today was one of those days, & I've loved every moment! (He has his moments, not as often as some, I know I'm lucky! Lol!)
I bloomin love this little fella LOADS!
Very proud of the person he has grown up to be! X

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