investigations of a dag

By kasty

bees knees

Not really that warm, but I'll take any chance I can to study outside for a while.
It is semi momentous - the first day of weather warm enough to sit outside.14C? Ok I had on a cardi and coat but still my knees got tepid. For a while.

Starting to realise that if my plans work out this could be my last spring/summer in Edinburgh. Little things like renewing my cameo cinema card and sitting on the meadows.. hard to think they might not happen any more. Nostalgia can be unhealthy impulse. Comfort zones smother. I know I need to take chances and shake things up and move on to somewhere new to fulfil my plans, but.. in the meantime I'm starting to store memories and foster the start of some bitter sweet goodbyes.

Especially the meadows where sun always has a bongo drum soundtrack and smells of bbq smoke, and the fresh white puffs of the first blossoming trees are better clouds than the wispy air above.

It only lasted a few uncanny days but the early heat spell was a manic weather front that shook out the winter out from us all.

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