Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Sunday at the Henry Gallery

"Withershins, 1995" is a sound and video interactive installation at the Henry Art Gallery by American artist Gary Hill. I have no clue what exactly he is trying to say --this one is something about the right hand not knowing what the left hand is up to. (?) It's a maze with videos on 2 sides and words triggered by the people walking the maze, somehow. Our 3 older grandkids spent a lot of time looking at everything, and walking (or running) the maze - here they are just playing around on their own in the empty space. The museum guard didn't seem to mind them running or me photographing.

Sunny this afternoon - there were zillions of people on the quad at the UW with the beautiful cherry blossoms. The kids ran all over and we went to our favorite cafe at the Burke, then played and had dinner at home. Mom and Dad got a break..

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