
songwriter, performer, and soul legend nick ashford died this week.

i went to his club downtown, the sugar bar, where there was a small tribute party
and where his wife and partner, valerie simpson, was also celebrating her birthday.
before she blew out the candle on her cake, a friend gave a speech,
a sermon really. an anecdote
on throwing away the body of a car, but keeping the engine.
praise jesus. amen. amen.
at the end, he asked everyone to hug two people next to them and tell them,
"i'm hugging you for whatever it is you need in your life right now."

i hugged at least five people.

"i didn't know you were so much of a hugger."
"yes, well..."

it felt wonderful to be around this family
brought together by music, by gratitude,
by a boisterous and unapologetic joy for life.

sometimes it's funny to me
how extraordinarily comfortable i am "in church,"
the foot stomping, brow sweating, life squeezing church.
how truly happy it makes me,
where no matter what you look like or what you can offer,
you are loved.

as long as you're real,
you're loved.

and even if you're not? there will always be hugs.

i appreciate that so fully.

ain't nothing like the real thing, baby.


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