living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

A lesson in vanity

Today's photo challenge is defining feature/ self portrait. I don't know if I even have a defining feature so I guess I will leave that to the interpretation of the viewer. For me the defining feature of this photo is the lack of children in it. I don't remember the last time a photo was taken of me without one or both of my babies. It does make me realise how much I've changed as a mother, I am definitely a far cry from the self- obsessed girl I was in my youth. I'm sure I'm a lot more boring, too, with so much focus on being the best mama I can be. oh, well... it happens. I'm a walking cliché! I will change again, when my babies are older and I can start to remember what it's like to have time to wonder what my interests are. Then I will either be less or more boring!

So... here is me, more or less.

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