
I've really enjoyed my first day off and had a day which has been both relaxing and productive.

I had a very early night last night so woke fairly early and finished reading my first ever book on my iPhone kindle app - House Rules by Jodi Picoult, I really enjoyed it. Next I tidied my bedroom and kitchen whilst waiting for the Tesco man to come. He duly arrived with lots of groceries which the children helped to put away, although Noah and I had to have a trip to the fruit shop later as I forgot to buy any from the Tesco man.

I decided to take my handspun, handwoven silk wrap off the knitters loom and I am absolutely delighted with it. It is the length it is supposed to be and is so soft and drapes beautifully. Freya was to be dropped off at her friend's at Lunderston Bay so she was happy to pose with it for a quick blip.

Noah and I ran some errands with key cutting, car washing, fruit shopping and showing off in Once A Sheep. He also got booked in for a members only night at Laser Matrix tomorrow so he is quite excited. The two of us went to the garden centre and Noah requested some seeds to plant, I also bought a couple of plants to put in my pots on the front steps so we're heading out to tend to them now.

After that it's cook something nice for dinner then relax with Carlos for the evening. A pretty perfect day.

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