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Maddy and I went to see the Mighty Boosh at the Festival theatre tonight. They were very good. It was the first night and it was a bit shambolic at times as a result, but that really just added to the charm.

They got some good banter going with the crowd and did a good selection of old and new material.

Maddy loved it even if it did mean a rather late night for her.

Also, when I got home from work today I had a package to pick up from the post office. My mateKeith had sent me couple of records. He released them a while back and I'd missed them at the time. I've been searching about trying to find them but he found a couple of copies in his basement which he was kind wnough to send through to me. There's some cracking stuff on them too, so between that and the Boosh my day was made.

Oh, and I've back-blipped for yesterday too.

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