Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

April Fools

April Fools. Or in Scotland it has previously been traditionally called 'Hunt-the-Gowk Day' ("gowk" means cuckcoo or a foolish person).

Now being Scottish, this is one tradition I really was unaware of until recently while undertaking some random wikipedia reading. Wipipedia outlines Hunt-the-Gowk Day as where

"The traditional prank is to ask someone to deliver a sealed message requesting help of some sort. In fact, the message reads "Dinna laugh, dinna smile. Hunt the gowk another mile". The recipient, upon reading it, will explain he can only help if he first contacts another person, and sends the victim to this person with an identical message, with the same result."

(Hunt-the-Gowk Day)

The reason I refer to this is that I was met with an unexpected and unpleasant surprise on this lovely Sunday afternoon. An upsetting and traumatic event happened in February to me, which I don't want to talk about in detail, and I thought that I had been dealing with things pretty well. However, I came face to face with my fears and was quite shook up about it.

I have choosen this photograph as it reminds me of the people who supported me through the original event, and reminded me that I can believe in others to trust and share my thoughts and feelings with. I have a pretty amazing support network and this photograph is dedicated to them. Thank you x

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