The second half of life..

By twigs

Bird rescue

Had a day at work today which was good - some really lovely kids who made being there a real pleasure :)

After work I decided on a walk along the dog-walk beach in the hope of snapping some frisky canine enjoying a crazy frolic. I wasn't more than a couple of hundred metres along the beach when I saw a strange looking 'lump' right on the water's edge.

As I got closer I realised that the 'lump' was in fact a cormorant. I wasn't sure if it was dead (which would have upset me!) so I approached very gingerly. It became apparent that the bird was defintely alive but looking more than just a little bedraggled. It looked quite young and was hardly moving but it was blinking and I could see it was breathing too. As I moved closer it hardly responded at all so I was able to bend down and touch it. After a short while the tide was beginning to wash under it but even then it didn't move. I carefully picked it up and moved it up the beach a little way - it never flinched at all, it just sat there resting in my hands. A guy stopped and we checked it's wings - no apparent damage. It stood for a moment and flapped it's wings a little - no sign of blood anywhere. We talked about what could be done - there was no way it could be left on the beach with all those crazy dogs around! I finally decided I'd take it home in the back of the car.

Once home I called the SPCA after hours service and they sent someone round to come pick it up. It was whisked off for a vet check tonight though I'll have to wait until Monday to find out how it is. The SPCA folks were wonderful!

I hope it all works out well for the wee thing - it simply looked very, very tired though I guess it could have been sick. I'll let you know when I find out on Monday :)

In the meantime - I still haven't had my walk today!!!!!

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