Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Brown horses checking out the white horses

Sorry. It's horses on the beach again. This time with better camera though.
I took far too many photos today and choosing one late at night is too difficult for me. So 17-yr-old suggested this one.

Today was a bit-of-this-and-a-bit-of-that type of day. Bit of Rich working, bit of me emailing, bit of lunch at the garden centre, bit of tomato seed buying, bit of dog-walking, photographing and handstands on the beach (Tess), bit of work in the office, bit of feeding the roses, bit more dog-walking, bit more photographing, bit of tomato seed planting...
We're having a tomato plant competition in the Carter house. Each of the five of us has planted a different variety and we're going to see who grows the most successful tomatoes. I have a funny feeling Richard and I will end up looking after all of them though.

Camomile tea is calling...

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