
We were promised 5 - 8 centimeters of snow today and despite a few flurry's there isn't a single flake remaining on the ground - thanks Met Office for being totally wrong again. I used the opportunity of a bit of a break in the cold and wet stuff to view some potential locations for a photo-shoot I am doing next week.

I've been asked by a make-up artist to help her recreate three images for her final graded unit before she becomes a fully qualified make up artist who will then start to charge an absolute fortune for her services whilst the photographers who outlay thousands of pounds on cameras, lenses, lights, filters, software will pay her for the pleasure of making a model look half decent (incidentally the model will also get paid for turning up late and complaining of the cold - not models I have worked with of course).

I think there are some fun locations that will really work, this isn't one of them but I do love graffiti.

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