A place in time

By Verbosa


This was a zoomed-in version on my phone (as I've only just found out you can zoom in on my phone...needless to say, I was told off for not reading the manual!) and although it's a bit blurry I really like it. The effect is almost brush-stroke-like and softens the image.

This is Molly (the neighbour's cat) having a quick sup at the bird bath.

After a manic day at work, the journey home took well over an hour and twenty minutes for a journey that should have been no more than ten minutes. Then it was a dash to the supermarket for a big shop as we were out of just about everything. But no sooner had I got there than we were all evacuated for a fire alarm, and to top it off I managed to smash a glass bottle of white vinegar in one of the aisles...what a day!

So I confess I grabbed a couple of cut-price pizzas to have with salad for tea, washed down with a glass of red!

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