Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

Meet Daisy!

This is Whit's sister. What a cutie! Whit is lying down next to her, it was impossible to get a good photo of both of them as they wouldn't stay still and one was always pinned beneath the other....

It was fab today, my friend brought her massive Bernese Mountain dog Millie and her pup Daisy to visit. We took Brae, Whit, Millie & Daisy for a lovely walk around the farm. Daisy is a big bruiser who was getting the better of Whit at first, then Whit pushed her pushy sister into a ditch and things evened out. It was very funny.

My son decided to show off on his Honda trike, my friends two boys (both a few years older than the little Farmer had a go. George aged 11 first drove onto a fence and then into hedge. Henry aged 8 ran his own foot over and then when he tried again ran his own leg over. We gave up before there were any broken bones.

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