Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Water of Leith.

Took a walk along part of The Water of Leith starting at Stockbridge, and stopped at Dean Path. If I had kept going it would have taken me to the Modern Art Gallery.

It was a damp afternoon, but that is the best way to see this area (I think anyway). I started off listening to my ipod, but the noise of the water was drowning it out and I thought I wasn't enjoying the experience to it's full potential listening to my music.

The smell of the damp trees and leaves made it too. It was so peaceful, even with the water, and passed many people out for a leisurely walk.

It also brought back memories of walking this way many times with mum and dad on a Sunday afternoon.

Of course at the end of the walk I needed/deserved a coffee!!

Couldn't decide what photo to upload, so see the others here

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