
By Echo

Unexpected Blip

A friend mentioned to me yesterday that Camilla PB was coming to Woolton to open some new gates at Reynolds Park. The original gates had been stolen and Friends of the park had raised money for a new set. They decided to commemorate the the diamond jubilee in the new gates.
The royal couple have been on Merseyside and Camilla had been interested to see the gates. She was due at 3 o'clock.
I don't usually go rushing off for such occasions and was busy sorting boxes of photographs. However at about 2.30 I decided as I hadn't had anything interesting to blip for a few days that I would take a chance and pop up to the park to see what I could see. There were not vast crowds so at least we could see what was going on.
I was pleased I went.
Camilla spent a great deal of time talking to as many people as possible children and adults and not just the people she was introduced to. I could not believe I got so close and got so

many shots I chose this one because she was right in front of me and there was no one in the way. Just after I took this she shook hands with me and said" hello". She is much slighter in build than she looks in the media and everyone was commenting on how pleasant she was.
Despite it being bitterly cold I was glad I made the effort and I ended up with a blip that I did not expect .

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