Walking Contradiction

By ShadowOnTheSun

Ha dee fucking ha

Using this to blog, people from school aren't on here thank fuck.
I actually feel so used and betrayed, I'm always there for people no matter what and now I've had it thrown in my face and been made a fool of.

Fair enough shouldn't have looked at those messages but damn, you're cruel. All the time you were just flirting with them and then bam, claim that I'm "in love" with you like it's a load of bullshit. I took so much shit when I started going out with you and I gave you a second chance when everyone thought you didhn't deserve one.
I convinced people who disliked how you treated me that you were a good person.
But this. is the fucking straw that broke the camel's back.

No one has ever made me feel more worthless, or used, or stupid than you have today.

I tried not to be angry, I was shaking with anger while you were away this morning, I didn't scream at you, I didn't hit you but man I wanted to. And I didn't hit her which tbh would've been fuicking bliss. I couldn't care less what happened to her now because she continued to lie to me, she made me feel like I was accusing you of something not true when really it was you who stabbed me in the back.
All those times I was worriued and the reply was "nah there's no feeling's there, she's my friend"
Oh goody either you lied about feeling's for her which makes me feel like I was holding you back from being happy and was a waste of your time. Or you just had meaningless sex while I was here doing all I could to make you happy.

You just mocked me in your conversations with her and made me out to be a burden to you. I'm fucking sorry that I liked you, that I gave you that goddamn fucking second chance when you were upset I considered leaving you last time you cheated.

You're morals are bullshit, and you have fucking crushed me. I don't think I can be your friend like you want when all you've done for at least the past 5 months is lie to me.

Have fun reading this.

"Hate is a strong word but I really, really, really don't like you"

P.s the fucking cheek of your blip on Sunday.

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