Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Talking Horses

For a family that aren't massively into huge mammals, we seem to spend a lot of time talking about them. E is the reason for this, it's what floats her boat these days, well pretty much since she was 2 years old, pretending to be one. Galloping around the house and only answering to the name of "stripes", responding in neighs instead of words.

Wednesday's are when E has her horse riding lessons and today she was on a much bigger pony. As parents this is terrifying but for her, it must feel like a massive acheivement.

This morning we made Easter bonnets. I think they did a pretty good job and with only one glue stick it was a great opportunity to practice sharing. I think theyre still just about friends ;-)

In the afternoon we visited The Donovans. They've just moved into a four bed house after squeezing all 6 of them into a 2 bed for the last few years. I'm so happy for them, their new house is lush! Carla is the same age as E, Lauren is M's bestest bestest friend forever, and Danielle is only a few months older than L, although they're only just starting to notice each other. I hope they become good pals in the future. This is the first time I let L join in and play with the gang, lovely to hear her chirping and squawking with the big kids.

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