Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


After the news of the heaviest snowfalls in April for over 30 years, hitting northern England, here the rain amounted to nothing. The bird bath was dry by 10am. A reliable source says that if there is no significant rainfall soon, we will be on stand pipes before long.

I spent the day digging water retaining crystals into the soil in the veggie patch. I've nothing but a bit of salad planted and didn't have the heart to water the empty soil. I have filled water butts and am trying to work out how to divert the water from the bathroom that, Sod's Law, is on the wrong side of the house.

My neighbour was ordering ten ton's of 10mm top soil, so it seemed sensible to order two tons for myself and it was delivered the other day. I was horrified to find it was riddled with large chunks of broken glass. We looked through Helen's and found it was no better and complained. The whole lot was exchanged for 5 mm this afternoon. It looks so much better but I'm also looking at the quantity and calculating how many calories I will use to barrow it all into place!

At least my moaning this time paid off.

Now I'm filthy and had better get myself ready to go to work as it's once again getting late!

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