
By patrona

Salvia officinalis (non edible)

Commonly known as sage, this is a good value plant in poor or difficult soils apparently. Certainly it has come through the winter with little damage and after a judicious hair cut in February is starting to produce what appears to be the first of many flower buds.
there are both red and white flowering varieties, the red variety seems to appear earlier and buds are a deep crimson as they open, before exploding to a riot of scarlet as the flowers mature.

Very useful as it attracts loads of insects, especially butterflies and honey bees, it is planted as a low hedge bordering the pool and may grow to a height of about four feet when the bushes mature.
With luck the rain will blow over before the end of the week, after moaning about the want of it, now want to see the back of it, so the spring planting can be completed. Away for the Easter weekend so the horizons will broaden from the four walls of Can Patrona hopefully.

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