
By LeeAnne

VW Beetle...

My brother has a bit of a thing for Lego. Flash cars and the like. He's 42 on Friday. I told him he was too old for Lego. He responded by buying me this for my birthday. As you can see, it's still in the box! My friend Gemma wants me to take it south with me at the weekend so that she can 'help' me build it. I have no idea how I'm going to get it home again after it's built but I'll worry about that next week.

So I'm finished work for 13 whole days! Hurrah! There's nothing quite like walking out the door knowing that you don't have to think about it for the next two whole weeks. Although I still have those moments when I worry if there's something obvious that I've not done. Born worrier me!

I'm at home, with nothing to do. I've packed and unpacked and repacked and I don't think I've forgotten anything. Tomorrow I'm going to take Diggers out to my folks' house, they're having him while I'm away, although after the visit to the vet for annual jabs on Monday, I'm not sure he's going to fall for the whole rigmarole of getting him into his pet carrier. He's not daft that's for sure. Still... he'll be spoiled by my Mum and secretly by my Dad and I'll be able to go on holiday and relax that he has good company. Then I'm going to take Mum out for lunch and then I'm going to get my eyelashes done in the afternoon. If you're looking for beautiful eyelashes for a special occasion then my friend Lorraine does a top job of them and they look AMAZING! Maybe I'll blip them tomorrow.

Then I have another night of doing nothing... I knew there was a reason for being organised but you know when you have that uneasy feeling that you're just too organised? That's pretty much where I'm at so I wrote another list just to make sure I've not forgotten anything. I'm generally organised to within an inch of my life if you hadn't got that impression already so it's unlikely that I'll find something missing.

Really looking forward to spending the weekend with Sarah and hopefully once I return her camera, she'll get back on the blip bandwagon!

Happy holidays!

Oh... and when I win the lottery, this is the kind of car that I'll buy! A purple one from Mexico... old school!

And thank you so much for all your hearts and stars and lovely comments from yesterday... I hit spotlight again, it never fails to tickle me. Sometimes I get a surprise cause I didn't really think that the photo was anything special but I guess it's in the eyes of you lot. I did like the Dickensian reference though... liked that a lot! So thank you all, you're ace!

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