Ghost in the Living Room

For several weeks now, I have been (slightly) worried about a phenomena happening in my house.

Every night, I switch off the lights in the living room and go to bed.

Every morning, I get up and this light is on.

This fact has not kept me awake, or moved me to confide in friends, or contact a therapist.

Nevertheless, when I switch off the light, I think about the fact that it is going to be back on in the morning; without fail.

Then, one night, I saw Dimairt the dog going into the livingroom, and pushing open the door with his nose

The light came on.

The lightswitch is positioned between the hi-fi speaker and the door. When Dimairt shoves against the door, the switch is pressed.

Mystery solved...... at least, I hope so.

Don't you just feel like a prat sometimes?

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