Female Cardinal

I just don't know how some photographers do it. Sit and wait and wait and wait, that is! I just don't have the patience.

Today was absolutely gorgeous and aside from an appointment I had the day to myself. While out I stopped at a pet store to buy meal worms for the birds.
I took AmErica's advice and put the worms in the birdbath so the squirrels wouldn't get them first. I then set up my camera next to me while I sat soaking up the sun. And I sat and sat and sat some more. Good thing I had a good book to read because there were no takers of the meal worms. I finally gave up.

After R got home he put up the blind in the back door so that I could finally get something. Persistence paid off! I finally spotted this gorgeous female cardinal in our Japanese Maple tree. Sorry for all the branches!

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