One click at a time

By KeithKnight

April Challenge - Countryside at Work - Chiswick

My bit of countryside at work.

As I am currently working in West London (Chiswick) I am not that close to countryside. However the developers of the place I am working on did make an effort as can be seen.

True it is essentially all artificial and man made. The lake is there to resolve a drainage problem, the waterfall is maintained by pumping water from the lower part of the lake back up to the higher part. The rocks were all placed there as decoration.

But, it has attracted wildlife - there are Canada Geese, Mallards, Moor-hens, Coots, Grey Herons and being in London there is also the odd pigeon or two. The lake contains fish (hence the herons :) ).

So despite being in west London there is a little bit of (artificial) countryside at my work.

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