happily ever after...

By thir13en

Weight Loss

I know this is a weird thing to post... but i'm so effing happy about it! and why not document such a moment, in what seems to be the journal of my life.

The whole time I was with my ex, I let my weight get to 150lbs, and i thought, ok, i'm a little big, but whatever.

But earlier in the year i decided to make healthier choices, started working out. this sickness knocked me right on my ass with that, however, i kept up with the diet (having 3 teeth removed helped with that) and now i'm down 20 lbs from what i just assumed i was going to weigh the rest of my life.

I feel sooo much better about myself, however, my old clothes don't fit anymore.. :/ and i def don't have money for new clothes.

this isn't the end either, i'm gonna keep up with losing the weight until i'm happy with it :D

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