Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Get that camera out of my face!!

The cat did not want her photo taken, she turned her head away.

The lizard did not want his photo taken, he went to sleep in the wardrobe.

#3 boy did not want his photo taken, he went to a sleep over at one of his mates.

#2boy did not want his phototaken, he went to work.

Lovely girlfriend did not want her photo taken and neither did my sister, they threatened me with violence. (Not really they are nice girls.)

The cat drew the short straw.

Was great to see my sis who was visiting from Milton Keynes but Good Friday is always a bit of a somber day. Thoughts of violence and suffering, sacrificial love, personal shortcomings etc etc

So to lighten the mood....

Just got back from my friennd's funeral.
She died after being hit on the head with a tennis ball.
It was a lovely service.
Boom boom


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