Red Flash

By RedFlash

Dear Mr AA Man

Thank you for coming to my rescue.

My daughter headed off after to work to stay with her boyfriend for the boyfriend.

After a while there was an emergency phone call to say that she had a flat tyre.

MR F and I piled some useful tyre changing equipment into the car and headed off to assist.

While sitting waiting with the hazards on but the car not running, the battery went flat.

So now we had two problems to resolve but only the gear for one.

Having found her we set to work to change the tyre but we couldn't get the wheel off the car. It was stuck on.

So Mr AA man was called

He got the wheel off with a big mallet, replaced it with the space saver and started the car.

Mr F then drove the daughter to her boyfriends and I drove her car home at a maximum speed of 50mph - such fun.

This is therefore the latest blip that I have ever published.

While blipping it turned midnight and it was my son's birthday, so there has been a slight delay while I have put 18 candles on a cake. More will follow on that today/tomorrow.

This is the first image of the newly designed front garden. More will follow

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