The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

All the blisters will be worth it

A message to all our walkers from Lorriane Kelly.

"Good luck to all the Kiltwalkers.

You are helping a brilliant cause and all the blisters will be worth it!
Good luck

L x"

Well Hampden and Loch Lomond Shores have been booked and the registration cards and t-shirts have been sent out, let's hope they fit.

The signs are up on the lamp posts and the Police are ready to escort us and St. Andrews Ambulance Service are ready to patch us up.

Real Radio are ready with the entertainment, as is Shaun the photographer to catch every precious moment.

The bandages and Vaseline are packed, the pit-stops are primed with water, bananas and breakfast bars and the Raynet guys are ready to make sure all 778 of us get to Loch Lomond Shores safely.

The marquee is unraveling , the bars raring to go and the chicken curry pies and haggis pakora are ready to go in the oven.

And finally the buses are booked to take you all home.

So we've done everything we can think of to make Sunday a great day, the only thing we can't control or influence is the weather, but hey it's Scotland and it's a Kiltwalk, so it will be fun, laughter and blisters all the way round.

The only thing we don't know, so I thought I would ask is "Are all the Sponsor Forms full?".

Sundays event will be a magnificent occasion where those of you who have done it before will grow another inch taller with pride while those of you taking part for the first time will say "never, ever again" and then be the first to sign up next year when the aches have gone and you realise what your efforts have achieved.

You'll meet new friends along the way who will keep you going with laughter and plasters and mars bars and, if required help you over those last few miles, so let's all make this worthwhile.

We're walking for The Kiltwalk, raising money for CLIC Sargent, CHAS, TACC and Aberlour, but let's be totally honest here. None of us can imagine what it's like to have a child who is so ill that they require our charities services and we hope we'll never find out what it's like to be, or have been in that position.

However the reality is that when you find yourself in their position, you just don't know what to do. You don't know how to cope with the rest of your family, you don't know how to care for each other, you don't know how to keep going, you don't know what's going to happen next and you don't know anyone who can help you!! That fellow Kiltwalkers, is where our charities come in.

They bring you in and keep you close. They show you how it's possible to carry, even when you think you can't and when you fall, or simply need a break, they keep on caring for you.

Sadly, not every story has a happy ending, we all wish that could be different. However what every person you see in those photographs will tell you is they couldn't cope, or have coped, without the help of the services CLIC Sargent or CHAS provide, the care and understanding Aberlour bring, or the excitement, fun and support TACC provide.

So come on walkers, and I include myself as I'm walking too, let's have one last fund raising effort and come on Scotland let's sponsor them too.

Let's squeeze those last pennies out for the sake of Summer, her family and the people who are supporting her. Let's join with the Harden and Dyas family and share the memory of 'their' Jordan, let's make him 'our' Jordan too. Let's raise those extra pounds to keep Louise on the straight and narrow, showing her a life she didn't think possible until a few years ago and lets do everything we can to make sure Cora and others like her benefit from the respite care they and their families so vitally need.

The Kiltwalk is about "Jock Tamsons bairns" and that's what makes your charity so special. We're walking for our children, our charities. We're walking to remember our today's, our tomorrows and our yesterdays. We're walking to support those who need our support at a time when they don't have the strength or emotion left to know they need it.

So let's do this, lets not leave a single penny in someone elses pocket.

To our Kiltwalkers we say "thank you" for your dedication, to our donators we say "we're nothing without your financial support".

Enjoy Sunday and remember "be careful out there"

You can support The Kiltwalk NOW!! Text KILT00 £2 to 70070

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