Not Quite There Yet.

By Chlo107

An Early Easter

It's that time of year again when I have to lock myself in the house and get my books out (hence why my blips have been rather inconsistent). It's been three years since I've had a revision-free Easter and I honestly can't remember what it was like to get excited by the prospect of breaking up from school for three or four weeks to spend it enjoying the first hints of summer weather. The last couple of weeks of school have been the quickest weeks of the year, even though I wished them to drag by so I wouldn't have to start revision.
I've been doing Maths paper after Maths paper for the last couple of days and so as a treat, my mum got me a dark chocolate Lindt bunny which I am now slowly devouring, although in hindsight I would have probably preferred a non-edible treat as revision time is also eat-whatever-you-can-find-as-a-form-of-procrastination time and I have already consumed well over what is required for a week in just one day. Oh well..

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