St Kevin's Kitchen

This is one of the main reasons for our trek to Wicklow, to look at the amazing and evocative monastic remains that nestle in the spectacular Glendalough valley. It is a huge and fascinating site; littered with the ruins of tiny churches, weathered crosses, an impressive roundtower and pilgrimage routes. St Kevin, who isn't actually a saint according to someone we talked to, came here in the 6C to escape from humans whom he didn't seem to get on with very well - he was best with animals. He ate only herbs, dressed in animal skins and lived in a cave. Of course his fame spread and people came from far and wide to look upon this phenomenon, including women who found him irresistable. One unfortunate woman tracked him up to his cave where Kevin was so horrified to see her he pushed her away and she fell to her death in the lake below. Not very saintly behaviour but after Kevin's death this site became a monastery, famed for its learning.
This tiny little building is called Kevin's Kitchen though in fact it's a church complete with little bell tower. Today over 3 million visitors arrive annually - I think Kevin would be shocked.

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